Man's Best Friend
Yesterday was really weird. It began normally enough, with my kids scrambling to catch the school bus, my wife going to her studio, and me making my way to the local cafe for a cappuccino and toasted bagel. But that's where normal ended.
When I returned home an hour later, the front door was wide open and I could smell an unfamiliar incense coming from the living room. Cautious, I approached slowly.
There, sitting on the floor, completely unmoving, was a rather large dog (not mine). I think he was trying to tell me something...
Dogs bark
Angels sing.
Buddha smiles
gazing within.
Posted by: j bhutu-ji at January 18, 2011 12:15 PM
This dog is funny, he has a great sense of humor.
Posted by: Jjvmvanlaar1 at January 19, 2011 12:04 AM
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