VIDEO: This Can Save Your Life
"Stone walls do not a prison make." - Richard Lovelace
Thanks to Wendy Lewis for making this fabulous video.
And thanks to John Dellasalla for the heads up.
When I saw this, I just cried and cried. I miss my Master so much, and this reminded me how many people in the world need to see him. So I must be patient...and call him to me. For he is my light, my dearest love, my inspiration, my everything. Thank you to all of you who make these videos possible for us all to be part of his journey in the world. And I want to share my Master with the whole world, even it if it means I don't get to see him that much. Because of my disability and illness I can't travel to see him, so I'm dependent on Maharaji visiting Australia, particularly Brisbane or Amaroo. And I pray he hasn't forgotten us, and will come to visit very soon. Thank you, my Master, for being able to see you on Video and hear your talks. I love you with all my heart. Astrid xxx
Posted by: astrand at January 25, 2011 06:26 PM
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