Take Me Home
Last night, exhausted from a long day's work, 150 miles from home, I found myself sitting in my car in a darkened New Jersey parking lot, dreading the ride home.
Yes, my wonderful wife and kids were waiting for me at the end of the journey. And yes, I had a chocolate covered protein bar, water, and 5 CD player. But I also had a sinking feeling that, out here in the boonies, many miles from the interstate, the chances of me getting home without getting lost were slim to none.
I glanced at the directions written on a 3x5 card by my trusty assistant. They read like some kind of Hammurabi's code. "Go 0.73 miles and turn right at the fourth light after the second hardware store."
My eyes glazed over.
Here, in the boonies, I knew every wrong turn meant more time away from home and the endless turning into gas stations asking baffled attendants how to get back on the highway.
Then I remembered my GPS stashed in the glove compartment.
I plugged it in. I powered up. I waited. Take Me Home flashed on the screen. Take Me Home! Like the little kid in ET, I pointed and pushed.
And then? The reassuring voice of the GPS lady filled my car with comfort, letting me know I needed to turn right... then, in 100 feet... turn left at Buckley Boulevard."
And all I had to do was drive.
This, metaphorically speaking, is the situation we're all in -- trying to find our way home with the least amount of wasted effort.
For me, the Knowledge Maharaji reveals is a wonderful GPS. When I'm plugged into it and paying attention, it guides me home in the simplest of ways. No driving in circles. No missed exits. No wondering if I'm on the right road.
My wish for you today, dear friends, is a simple one: that you find your GPS. If it's stashed in the glove compartment, I hope you take it out. If it's installed in your dashboard, I hope you turn it on. And if you don't have one, I hope you get one soon.
I can't tell you what kind of GPS works best because I haven't tried them all, but I can tell you that you don't need to waste your time squinting at directions. Getting back home is simpler than you think.
Bon voyage!
Thanks for the great vid (and cool story, and I don't even use that word, ha-ha, OR awesome, so when I see you at as program, not likely, you are not allowed to say those, ha-ha, don't mind me, as they say).
I'm gonna post it on Giveittomeraw.com. I put Ocean, The Best Relationship, Introducing Maharaji and My Dream up there last week.
So cool to be donating to TPRF, let's win this thing. I've been putting it off for three years. Feels so good.
Thank you for all your good work(s), and inspiration.
Much Love,
Posted by: Jaimo at November 5, 2009 05:48 PM
Umm nice one Mitch......
'Oh that drive of destiny, pushing like a raging sea, delirious?? and brave, reaching for that tender grace and mercy too"
Posted by: Tara Liz Driscoll at February 11, 2011 09:22 PM
why didn't you just get a motel room for the night???? driving a long distance at night when you're tired is a pretty stupid thing to do.
Posted by: sanfranciscojim1 at February 12, 2011 12:54 PM
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