A Message of Hope
Four people sent this to me in the past three days. Only now did I watch. Beautiful! Whether you meditate or not, there is a powerful message of love embedded in this video. If you disagree with some of it, so what? Watch the whole thing anyway. Don't bail out. Let the message sink in...
I greatly appreciate this video and your introductory comments. It was more than a pleasure to watch it all the way through. It was a stunning way to start my day, and keep me tuned to what's most important and real. Thanks, Mitch.
Posted by: Idene Goldman at April 9, 2011 09:28 AM
yes, that was very nice...i thought his other video 'how to meditate on the breath'
is pretty good, too..maybe better!!! it looks like the cat (the 'secret of the breath') is out of the bag..!!! hhhhoooray!...and GBagbo is out of his hole, too, hopefully he can get some help....and Prem can resume his visits to Abidjan.i can't wait to see the video of that....they're going to be happier than they were before, if that's possible..!!!.thanks mitch.i subscribed to his channel..and gave you the credit.....
Posted by: sanfranciscojim1 at April 11, 2011 03:48 PM
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