Results of the Inspiration Poll
Last year, I posted an INSPIRATION POLL on this blog, asking readers to rate (on a scale of 1-5) a variety of "inspiration triggers" (the experiences, internal or external, that help them connect with the feeling of inspiration).
194 readers responded. What follows is their response...
4.56 Nature
4.55 Love
4.54 Music
4.44 Learning
4.41 Meaningful work
4.41 Freedom
4.38 Creativity
4.38 Compassion
4.37 Accomplishing the seeming impossible
4.37 Authentic people
4.35 Wisdom
4.34 Kindness
4.33 Inner peace
4.28 Giving
4.28 Hope
4.27 Having an AHA!
4.27 Gratitude
4.27 Beauty
4.26 Friendship
4.26 Courage
4.25 Good conversation
4.24 Inspiring others
4.24 The ocean
4.23 Connecting with others
4.21 Laughter
4.19 Possibility
4.18 Trust
4.15 Fun
4.14 Selfless service
4.10 Falling in love
4.08 Being appreciated
4.04 Sunlight
4.03 Simplicity
4.02 Art
4.02 Anyone who has mastered their craft
4.01 Travel
3.98 Looking up at the stars
3.98 Spontaneity
3.97 Solving a problem
3.94 Good stories
3.93 Surnise/sunset
3.93 Springtime
3.92 Big ideas
3.92 Meditation
3.91 Letting go
3.91 Success of friends
3.90 Your Teacher/Master
3.90 Wise elders
3.89 The sky
3.89 Great quotations
3.89 Forgiveness
3.87 Children
3.85 Books
3.80 Mountains
3.77 Walking on the beach
3.71 Photography
3.71 Playing
3.70 Birth
3.70 God
3.67 Family
3.66 Singing
3.64 Fearlessness
3.63 Summertime
3.59 Starting a big project
3.58 Writing
3.58 Flowers
3.57 Spiritual Masters
3.52 Your heroes
3.51 Your home
3.48 Making love
3.46 Dreams
3.45 Vacations
3.44 Poetry
3.43 Dancing
3.39 Movies
3.32 Faith
3.31 Celebrations
3.25 Winning something
3.24 Thunderstorms
3.18 Sex
3.10 Making a lot of money
3.10 Prayer
3.08 Your pet
3.07 A teacher from your past
3.03 Theater
2.96 Holidays
2.95 Asking for help
2.85 The town/city where you live
2.78 Honest politicians
2.76 Death
2.62 Sports
2.61 Scriptures
2.52 Having nothing to do
2.51 Space travel
2.37 Yoga
2.34 Championship teams
1.98 Religion
Insights? Surprises? Conclusions? Comments?
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