Golden Nomad of Ecstasy
Alone beneath a full moon once again, I gather together all I can give: milkweed, tears, and the awful silence between too many promises.
Everything else is a dream, a glove dropped and awaiting your warm hand. Won't you break this bubble of unknowing? Won't you end this masquerade?
If you don't come and claim me from this fantasy of loving you what in the world will happen to me? Will I wander forever in this unwritten scripture like some parable of faithfulness, seeing you in others' eyes, but never in your own?
Should I ride the undertow inside me back to the shell of our first meeting?
My heart was a desert then, my body a stone. But you, golden nomad of ecstasy, you burned the world away in a glance, spoke to me like thunder and turned my beggarless wandering into pure dance.
Today, slightly confused and needing a mother, I find myself leaping -- leaping from earth to sun and back again, not in search of you. No. Because of you.
Well said, Mitch.
Posted by: lor at July 7, 2011 08:36 PM
Mitch that is beautiful. My heart speaks like that but my head distorts it. If only I can quiet my head.
Posted by: Chris at July 7, 2011 10:14 PM
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