When I was a young boy, I loved to swim in the ocean in a place called Jones Beach. Happy to be out of the suburbs for the day, I'd run into the water, make my way out to the biggest waves, and body surf as far as possible into shore. Again and again and again. I wasn't a great body surfer, but good enough to have a lot of fun.
Of course, there were always those moments, standing out there in the shifting sands beneath my feet, when a monster wave would appear, gathering force like some kind of outtake from a 1950's Japanese disaster movie.
It didn't take a whole lot of smarts to realize that those waves were way too big for me to ride -- forces of nature not only over my head, but entirely out of my league.
I had only one choice: duck.
So duck I did, holding my breath and feeling torrents of water swarming over my head.
When I think about the Knowledge that Maharaji reveals, I think about my boyhood ocean adventures.
The world, with all it's gathering force, often feels like a wave -- the rising stuff of life sometimes just too intense to ride, even for the most athletic and trusting among us.
Sometimes you just gotta duck and find the place inside you that is free of the pulls, free of all the tidal ups and downs.
Please don't get me wrong. I am not talking about avoidance, retraction, or refusing to engage in the dance of life. Far from it.
I'm talking about having the option and the know how to slip beneath the rising tide of madness often swirling all around you. On the streets. On the job. And ultimately, in your own oceanic mind.
What John Lennon had to say about it
Words of Peace Global
The Keys
Humanitarian Aid
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