Words of Peace Global Links
There are a lot of great resources on the Words of Peace Global website, but not everyone who has visited the site has seen them all.
So, as a public service to the readers of this blog, what follows is a list of links that will take you to some of these pages.
If you are interested in Prem Rawat's message of peace and have a few minutes to poke around, I invite you to click to your heart's content.
CONFIRMED EVENTS: Info about events and how to Request an Invitation.
PEACE CARDS: Digital postcards that can be customized and sent, as invitations, to friends or guests. A creative way to invite someone to an event.
ABOUT PREM RAWAT: A few quotes from Prem Rawat and a brief bio.
ABOUT WORDS OF PEACE GLOBAL: Explanation what WOPG is and a short video of Prem Rawat.
SHORT VIDEO CLIPS: Downloadable 1-3 minute video clips.
SHORT AUDIO CLIPS: Downloadable 1-3 minute audio clips.
LONGER VIDEOS and AUDIOS: 15-70 minute excerpts of Prem Rawat's talks.
PREMIUM CHANNEL (PPV): The most recent releases of Prem Rawat's talks at public events.
PUBLICATIONS: ADI Magazine and other publications that can be previewed, read online, or ordered and given to guests.
SPECIAL VIDEOS: Seven videos (and audios) of Prem Rawat hosting interactive sessions with the public or speaking at one-of-a-kind talks in unique settings.
WOPG TV SCHEDULE: A list of TV stations showing Words of Peace Global TV shows.
INTRO TO THE KEYS: A description of the Keys and an introductory video about what they are. Intended for people who have already been introduced to Prem Rawat's message and are interested in pursuing it.
HOW TO VOLUNTEER: If you want to pitch in and help, there are plenty of opportunities. Find out here.
THE BLOG: Expressions from people who have found value in Prem Rawat's message of peace.
THE E-STORE: Goodies you can buy.
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