Does anyone really understand
the work of a Master?
I don't think so.
Even those who say
they love him deeply
are only looking through a pinhole,
a crack in time and space,
tourists peeking
through a very high fence.
Dazed by the light that finds its way through,
they spin endlessly
around the axis of an unexpected ecstasy,
their sudden expression of joy,
over which they have no control,
now witnessed by a few locals
out for a stroll and a smoke
and asking each other just a little too quickly,
why these people are dancing for no reason,
eyes on fire,
their words like painted rocks,
plummeting to the bottom of a very still pond
on a night no one wants to end.
Efen Beautiful, Mitch. You are a treasure...:)
Posted by: George Dragotta at April 16, 2012 09:37 PM
Dancing like there's no tomorrow!!!
Posted by: Bookman99 at April 16, 2012 09:47 PM
Beautiful, Mitch
Posted by: Fernando García Muñoz at April 17, 2012 03:31 AM
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