The Beautiful Sadness of Longing
A big thank you to Fernando Garcia for using one of my poems, and Stuart Hoffman's music, along with a variety of beautiful images, to create a moving slide show about a topic not often talked about.
The poem
Words of Peace Global
I came home this evening after quite a tiring but happy day, opened my emails first was the granted visa for Amaroo then this beautiful sadness of longing was the cherry on the cake. Thank you Mitch and the longing is there, boy is it ever there.
Posted by: Chris at August 9, 2012 10:52 PM
Thank you Mitch, I just can't get enough of this
Posted by: George Dragotta at August 9, 2012 10:52 PM
What a beautiful way to start the day... thank you!
Posted by: Debbie Leppla at August 10, 2012 09:48 AM
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