There Is No Door
Here is a 4-minute video for your enjoyment. It is a collaboration between three students of Prem Rawat: Fernando Garcia (video editing), Stuart Hoffman (music), and Mitch Ditkoff (poetry). If you like it, LIKE it and forward it to your friends. Thanks!
Two other collaborations of ours:
This Thirst
The Beautiful Sadness of Longing
Beautiful simply beautiful
Posted by: Chris at September 18, 2012 08:25 PM
A bit naff this one. Sorry - a bit 70's
Jai Sat Chit Anand
Posted by: Louise Mitchell at September 19, 2012 11:31 AM
A bit great this one!
A bit like the eternities
sparking your words:
Poems of Love.
Posted by: Jon Lloyd at September 19, 2012 11:43 AM
Its the first one l've seen from you guys but sadly l have to say sorry, if you want a critical friend, it doesn't do it for me.It reminds me too much of those idealised/stylised Latter Day Saints pamphlets of heaven on earth etc and/or New Age type stuff. l like my Knowledge stuff to rock a bit, to have some grit, some balls! Hey, but that's just me and l may be marching out of tune!
However, the posts from Amaroo were just great,thanks!
Posted by: char33 at September 19, 2012 03:15 PM
Char33: Appreciate your feedback. "That's just me" describes us all, I think. Everyone has got a different take on things and expresses themselves differently. No problem. Personally, I've written stuff on both ends of the spectrum -- from the "There Is No Door" flavor to blues songs. I'm just feeling my way, trying different things -- alone and with collaborators. I like how Paul Simon put it: "One man's ceiling is another man's floor." If I do something with Fuzzbee, soon, I'll send you that -- something that will have more of a rock 'n roll flavor. Be well!
Posted by: Mitch Ditkoff at September 19, 2012 03:29 PM
Seventies, schmeventies. Sounds...feels timeless to me, muchachos. It think it rocks, in a heavily grounded sort of way. I dig it, mon!
Posted by: George Dragotta at September 20, 2012 11:56 AM
Thank you so much, my heart is touched deeply and I feel inspired by the words, music and pictures. Great work of art and beautiful way to thank him. Alon.
Posted by: Alon at September 22, 2012 10:21 AM
No pamphlets, no saints.
No heaven, no hell.
"No merit. Vast emptiness!"
Posted by: Jon Lloyd at September 24, 2012 12:15 PM
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