Be Brave!
Thank you for sharing the inspiration Mitch. The Amaroo event touched me deeply and your blog is a daily reminder of Maharaji's incredible dedication in sharing his wisdom with us.
Posted by: Lindad at November 10, 2012 05:26 PM
Dear Mitch
Its realy impresive, we will send more people to your site thorough our facebook page.
Posted by: Chrish2277 at November 16, 2012 03:02 AM
Dear Mitch
Its realy impresive, we will send more people to your site thorough our facebook page.
Posted by: Chrish2277 at November 16, 2012 03:07 AM
Chris: Thanks! Go ahead and send me a link to your Facebook page. Is this the first time you've been to HEART OF THE MATTER? Please know that there are five year's worth of postings on the site and quite a deep archive -- lots of goodies to explore. Stay in touch! Mitch
Posted by: Mitch Ditkoff at November 16, 2012 09:49 AM
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