The Day Before the Mauritius Event
Welcome to Part 2 of Louise Roenn's "Into Africa" series -- reports of her travels to Prem Rawat's events in Africa.
"Just because our island has never been to war, we still need peace," explained Veekash Issory, a member of the Mauritian police force. Veekash is one of many people who have volunteered to help produce the Words of Peace event in Mauritius, on November 12th.
"Even in the absence of war, we still need to feel peace every day," he continues. "Prem Rawat and his message remind us of that."
Both of us and several others are now inside the hall at the Swami Vivekananda Convention Centre, in Port Louis, to help set up for the event. Volunteers and staff are positioning plastic chairs, row by row, in front of the stage.
"The Hindu holiday, Diwali, starts this Tuesday," Veekash explains. "Ramadan, Christmas, Easter, and many other global holidays are also celebrated here. Diwali is the festival of light. For many people here today, Prem Rawat's visit to Mauritius is the highlight of the holiday season," Veekash adds.
Thirty five hundred of Mauritius' 1.4 million inhabitants, representing a multitude of world religions and beliefs, will attend Prem Rawat's event tomorrow and I got a sneak preview this morning, waking up to the sound of Muslim prayers, then, on my morning run, jogging past gardens with statues of Buddha, Hindu Gods, the Virgin Mary, and the crucifix.
Upon my return, my host family insists that God created Mauritius before he created heaven. After having enjoyed stunning mountain and ocean views on this paradise island and met so many warmhearted people, I'm starting to think they might be right.
Photo: Veekash Issory and Kevin Michael during the Saturday setup for the Words of Peace event in Mauritius
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