Mayan Calendar Prophecy Demystified
Apparently, there has been some kind of mix up with the whole "2012 Mayan Calendar" thing.
A new translation of an ancient Mayan text -- "The Axhumuchicha Diaries" -- has just revealed that the word was actually "colander", as in the bowl shaped thingee with holes on the bottom that allows a person to drain spaghetti.
The translator of the ancient text, J. Templeton Edwards, a world-renowned linguist and expert on Mayan literature, recently noted:
"After years of research, I have now understood that, approximately 2,100 years ago, there was a severe shortage of Mayan COLANDERS -- an occurrence that moved one of the most beloved Mayan Emperors of the time -- Xytyl Myzucytl -- to publicly bemoan the 'end of the Mayan colander'. Alas, in the years that followed, the emperor's comments were poorly translated -- leading to the recent glut of END OF CIVILIZATION, AS WE KNOW IT books that have hit the market."
Whew! Mystery solved!
...yes, but what about
the Stars of David
on the colander?
Posted by: Guy G. at December 30, 2012 01:57 AM
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