Putting the IS Back in Christmas
Maybe there's a hundred presents under your Christmas tree. Maybe there's one. Doesn't matter. Soon you'll be opening them (or it) and making the decision whether or not to open slowly (saving the wrapping paper) or tearing like a maniac.
The givers, assuming they're in the room, will be watching you for telltale signs of whether you like what they bought you, and you, aware that you are being watched, will be a little too expressive -- in a kind-hearted attempt to calm the fears of your loved ones.
That's the surface stuff.
The real present you'll be receiving is the PRESENT, as in the present moment -- the moment of the world winding down and nothing else happening except the timeless act of appreciating the fact that YOU ARE LOVED. So, here's to the PRESENT moment. Here's to opening it and discovering all that is contained within. It fits! It doesn't need to be returned! It's what you've always wanted!
That was always my favorite part of Christmas. The world slowing down and feeling the love. Perfect words Mitch, thanks. Merry Merry and Happy New Year!
Posted by: Joyce at December 23, 2009 11:44 PM
Hi Mitch,
We met on the coach to Amaroo this year!
Joe from Dublin, Ireland.
Well said!
It captures not only the true spirit of Christmas but of Life it's Self.
Posted by: Joe byrne at December 24, 2012 09:48 AM
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