Wishes Coming True in Benin
This is the fifth in a series of "Into Africa" reports from the delightful Louise Roenn.
Putting on an event for 6,000 people at an outdoor stadium in Cotonou, Benin, can be a challenge even for one of the world's most experienced crews, the Words of Peace Global event productions team.
"The big screen is not working," Event Director, Leila Koren, says into her headset, shortly before the event with Prem Rawat is about to begin.
The electrical supply has been coming and going all day and the crew has been working for hours in 95 degree heat.
"We'll go with Plan B," Leila continues. "No videos. Have the MC welcome the Speaker onto the stage right away."
Apsath Bapaya, the MC for the event, gets up from her seat and walks out on stage. With a huge smile on her face, she welcomes, first, the audience, and then Prem Rawat. Even with the last minute changes to the event, Apsath remains cool, calm, and collected.
Looking out at the audience, she see 6,000 smiling people, many of whom are wildly waving their handkerchiefs, just like we saw at the Ghana event just just a few days ago.
Many people in the audience are seeing Prem Rawat, in person, for the first time, Before today, the only times they've seen him have been on TV.
Families with children and grandparents are sitting on the grass. They fill the stadium with their laughter as Prem Rawat tells story after story.
"As this is the last event of the year, I want to wish you all a happy New Year," Prem Rawat says at the end of his talk. "All your wishes have already come true in this life because you are alive."
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