Full Moon at Sunrise Published!
Face it. Most people would rather read a Facebook post than a poem. Or, if not a Facebook post, then the back of a cereal box, sushi menu, shampoo bottle, last week's tweets, People Magazine, tea leaves, or their local telephone book.
That being said, I am happy to announce the publication of my new book of poetry, Full Moon at Sunrise, inspired by the message of Prem Rawat. Makes a great gift or paperweight. No animals were harmed in the production of this book. Click here to buy it or read a few excerpts. Click here if you don't like being told where to click. You can also buy it on Amazon.
Dear Mitch,
I follow you along these 2 years, through you blog.
Thank you for your inspired thoughts and poems. I love them very much. I do not use to comment because of my basic english.
I have a spiritual teacher, Tony Samara since 2008, with who i have been transformed my whole life, trhoght his teachings, retreats and satsangs.
I like to know some other teachers and authors, like Prem Rawat, Neale DonalWalsch etc...
I am a retired banker (65 years old)...and a yoga teacher.
I 've been realised that you are a spiritual Teacher too....and through your blog i can have moments of truly happiness and joy. You have humor and wisdom. Thank you to be part of my web world.
CONGRATULATIONS and CELEBRATIONS!! for your new book "Full Moon Sunrise". Love and Gratitude.
Posted by: Margarida Marmelo at January 22, 2013 06:11 AM
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