No Synonym for Thesaurus
Did you know that there's no synonym in the thesaurus for "thesaurus"?
And while the eskimoes may have 52 words for "snow," the rest of us are left howling in the wind when it comes time to expressing what we really mean by "love."
That being said, here goes -- what it feels like, to me, whenever I get to listen to Prem Rawat's message of peace.
1. Coming home
2. Being rebooted
3. Going back to Square One, only to discover there is no square -- only wide-open space.
4. The answer to every Zen koan ever asked
5. A spa for the soul
6. Finding buried treasure in my own backyard
7. Letting go of everything
8. The first day of Spring
9. Sunbathing on the roof at the top of the world
10. Unplugging from the madness
11. Following the yellow brick road
12. An early Thanksgiving
13. The cherry on top of the sundae I feel no guilt about eating
14. A cool breeze
15. The eye of the storm
16. Falling in love for the first time
17. Putting down my heavy load
18. Opening a present I didn't think I deserved
19. Pushing "pause" on the universal remote
20. Being at the most incredible party in the world
21. The space between in breath and out
22. Being kissed by the infinite
23. The music Mozart listened to when he was done composing
24. Effortlessly experiencing the virtues all religions espouse
25. The promised land
26. Consciousness revealed
27. A grand slam home run in the bottom of the ninth
28. Happiness squared
29. The breath within the breath
30. Landing on Free Parking in Monopoly
31. The blissful breaking of my pinata
32. A diamond cutter's stroke
33. Knocking on heaven's door, only to discover I am knocking from the inside
34. Experiencing that each step is also an arrival
35. Discovering a secret room in my house
36. Receiving a very large inheritance
37. The happy marriage of laughter and tears
38. George Carlin, Mel Brooks, Jonathan Winters, Groucho Marx, Steve Martin, Robin Williams, Billy Crystal, Whoopi Goldberg, Lily Tomlin, Steven Wright, Peter Sellers, Sid Caesar, Jerry Seinfeld, Henny Youngman, Bill Hicks, Chris Rock, and Santa Claus all laughing at a joke no one can remember.
39. Surfing Hawaiian waves of love
40. These two whirling dervishes walk into a bar
Brush stroke
Hello Mitch, I really really enjoyed this post. There is no way words will ever be able to express the beauty and the infinity of this feeling, but it feels sooooooo good to even try to convey a tiny bit of it...
Thank you
Posted by: José Luis Tubert at May 12, 2012 11:45 PM
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