The Golden Garden Party: June 15th
This just in from Rachel and Ron Clearfield:
"Ron and I would like to invite you to our 7th annual Golden Garden Party to benefit TPRF's Food for People program -- an inspired gathering that will be held on our land near Asheville, North Carolina on Saturday, June 15, 2013.
We'll be having some fabulous music and food. Lots of wonderful people will be there and we hope you can be there, too!
If, by chance, you cannot attend, please consider making a donation via our website. Every dollar you give will be matched by an anonymous donor. What a great way to help this important project of The Prem Rawat Foundation."
NOTE: The painting that illustrates this posting -- a Rachel Clearfield original Oil on Linen -- will be auctioned off at the event. Click here for more info and a simple way make an online bid.
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