Hoffman and Ditkoff Ride Again!
Good news!
Stuart Hoffman and I are collaborating on a new series of audio poems that will soon be available for downloading at a website near you.
If you want to know when the first ones will be ready, simply click the comments box below and leave us your name and email address. Or email us. Or Facebook us. Or take us out for dinner the next time you see us.
Click the link below for the words to the first piece...
There is an aching deep within my heart
that cannot be explained.
It wakes me in the middle of the night
and write these lines --
a kind of fishing in a great sea I cannot find by day.
This escapade is not the search for something new.
It is not the need to find --
more it is the being moved,
my being pulled by an unseen moon,
how small birds, when days get cold, make their way
across dark skies to the place where they were born,
how a feather falls to earth
and a child, finding it, looks up,
why dogs pace back and forth before a door
as their master turns for home.
Ah, this restlessness, this thirst, this ache,
this silent undertow inside
that takes me back to the hidden spring
where lions come to drink,
and snakes,
why birds sing when they are all alone
and the long ride home on an empty train
often feels like an arrival.
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