Give Peace a Chance on 9/21
What are you doing on September 21st? If your answer is "I don't know," you may want to check out PeaceBeat's 48 hours of inspired, streaming video.
Hosted by international film and television personality Michael Nouri, PeaceBeats will be presenting a wide variety of juicy, peace-themed videos, featuring a very special interview with Peace Ambassador Prem Rawat conducted by Peace One Day founder Jeremy Gilley.
The webcast begins and ends at the International Dateline starting at the stroke of midnight in Auckland, New Zealand, and ending at midnight in Honolulu, making the webcast available any time, anywhere in the world during Peace Day!
"People everywhere want peace," Nouri explains. "They desire it; they appreciate it; and that's what we're showcasing in the worldwide webcast. We're looking at expressions of peace from popular culture, listening to peace advocates and activists, and streaming videos submitted by people around the world."
"Peace is so much more than the absence of war," Nouri continues. "It's a feeling each of us can experience inside, and people around the globe are putting it into action in their own lives, expressing it creatively through the arts, and volunteering to help their fellow human beings. That's what the Worldwide Webcast is all about."
Check back here in a day or two for a complete listing of the PeaceBeat's lineup.
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