Big Doings in Ecuador
On June 5th, 2013, an unforgettable celebration of peace took place at the International Peace Festival in Otavalo, Ecuador.
After receiving invitations from the District Director of Education and the Mayor of the Imbabura Province, Prem Rawat arrived in Otavalo and delivered a rousing address in the foothills of the breathtaking Imbabura Mountains. He spoke about the possibility of every human being to live in peace and clarity, saying:
"An unhappy king cannot make his citizens happy. An unhappy father cannot make his family happy. And this is how it is in the world. What do you practice? Whatever you practice, you will get very good at. If you practice peace, you will get good at it. If you practice clarity you will get good at it. Only that person who knows how to receive a gift will truly understand the value of that gift. Accept this gift of being alive. Accept this gift of having peace within you. And watch your life change."
After the event, spirits were high as the people of Otavalo expressed their immense gratitude for Prem Rawat's visit and spoke of the profound need for his message of peace in their lives.
The Mayor captured the collective feeling when he commented, "I believe that this is what has been missing in this world. We need to start thinking about our inner selves, so we can understand where we want to go."
My interactions with people at the event were coursing with enthusiasm and passion for the message, the festival atmosphere only enhancing the level of enthusiasm. I feel that the event was a milestone in the lives of many and that it will inspire great things in Otavalo.
-- Rose, freelance reporter
NOTE: If you haven't seen it yet, you can watch the entire event on The Premium Channel or purchase it for your home collection.
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