Running Up and Down the Aisles
One of the good things about having a living Teacher is that often he/she says something that goes in so deep it becomes a kind of radioactive isotope of truth -- radiating from the inside out, forever.
One particular moment like this happened for me a few years ago. I was at an event where Prem Rawat was speaking and, in a very casual way, he used a modern image to make a very ancient point.
He was talking about the phenomenon of impatience and likened the human condition to being a passenger on a jet plane traveling at 650 mph, but running up and down the aisles trying to get there faster. Nailed!
Ah what a timely reminder! I find myself saying 'I am so busy" so often..!
I needed to read this tonight! (Glad I wasn't too busy..)
Posted by: Valorie Berman at June 6, 2011 09:17 PM
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