There Is a Fabulous Underground Club Not Far From You
There is a fabulous underground club
not far from you
where all the ecstatic musicians,
since the beginning of time,
are playing -- eyes on fire.
They speak a thousand different languages,
but understand each other completely,
having endured long winters,
several times a day,
with no one near enough to listen
or bring them tea.
None of this matters now.
Here in this cave of pure delight,
calling on muses spinning in great circles around them,
they are free,
holding a high note, together,
in perfect harmony,
like the hand of God.
i spread this one around
cuz i likes it s'much.
Posted by: Jaimo at August 8, 2010 09:59 PM
oh yeah
Posted by: Roberta Wall at August 14, 2010 06:37 PM
yes and yes and yes :)))
* Living Poem *
You and I are living inside
the greatest poem of the heart
ever written
Breathing life into us
amazing beauty
can be found and felt
Truest love cherished
sweetly deep expressions of gratitude
grace and blessings abound
In the summer of our hearts
we can bloom fully , openly
giggling in joy
Life alive happening
sweet, short , profound , endlessly
our magical time here on earth
Heaven time
drinking within
I am gone , united , One
One with the infinite Me
merged with You
in a poem ' breath of life '
~ Janice Wilson
Posted by: janice at May 25, 2011 10:47 AM
Yes indeed!
Posted by: Jon Lloyd at September 16, 2013 01:13 PM
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