My Name is Wallie Reschman, #1813248
My name is Wallie Reschman #1813248. I am currently serving an 8-year prison sentence in The Texas Department Of Criminal Justice and I am housed at The Dominguez State Jail/TDCJ Transfer Unit.
Recently, I was asked by one of the volunteers of The Inner Peace Class that I have been faithfully attending for six months to write a few words on what I have gotten out of the class. So here is a little bit on my personal experience and what I would say to Mr. Prem Rawat if given the chance to meet and greet him in person.
For those who don't know much about Prem Rawat -- he is a motivational speaker with a message of PEACE. He has traveled the world for four decades, inspiring people to find peace within themselves and also provides humanitarian relief around the world.
In the time that I have attended the Inner Peace class I have received the message of peace and really absorbed it. Every time I watch a video of him speaking, the message becomes clearer and I always find something new that I can do to apply it to myself and my everyday life.
This program has helped me find that special gift that we all have inside of us, that we were born with, but somehow have lost or just put away on the back burner because we got so wrapped up with what we believe is a better way of living.
It's like Prem Rawat points out in his message -- we cannot simply believe, we have to know. We don't have to search very far because all we need is to be clear, to be content, and to be at PEACE within us. It's in our hearts!
I have learned how to live my life in a very different way. Despite my current incarceration, I can do this. I can handle many situations differently, in a more positive way.
What I feel and what I know now is so wonderful. It sometimes feels like there are no worries in the world. It's a feeling that's priceless to me and no one can take that away from me, nor will I ever lose it or misplace it again.
Our breath is the #1 blessing anyone can have. But to have clarity on what LIFE and PEACE are all about and having the proper knowledge, well, that, in itself, is a blessing. too!
Mr. Prem Rawat, if you are reading this, you remind us of something that we already have inside of us that is great. For myself, and I know, for the others in the class, it has been and it is a life changing experience.
We all need someone in our life to open our eyes one time or another and for me, Sir, this is my time.
I wish I could have heard your message years ago. Maybe it would have steered me in a different direction. But it's OK, because it's never too late and if it has to be from in here to learn what I have from your message, so be it. Just knowing that I now have peace, contentment, and clarity makes me special in my own unique way.
I would like to end with two simple words for you Mr. Rawat -- simple just like your message, and that is THANK YOU!!!
PS: And thank you Roberto and Chantal Piriz who bring the message of Peace twice a week to us here at The Dominguez Unit. If anyone would like to keep in touch with me and know more about my experience and progress or share yours, please feel free to write:
Dominguez Unit D1-40
Wallie Reschman # 1813248
6535 Cagnon Rd.
San Antonio, TX 78252
wow. nothing to say. leaves me speechless, almost wanting to be in prison, the experience he is describing is so precious, it totally doesn't matter about anything else. thank you for posting this amazing letter.
Posted by: joan Apter at March 13, 2014 10:19 PM
Happy for you Wallie, and thank you for sharing your experience. Our lives have both been changed by listening to Prem Rawat - so much that my life now is unrecognizable from before. He is the only person on the earth who understands Life, and can show us how to enjoy the precious gift of every moment. Enjoy! Irene
Posted by: Irene Woodhead at March 14, 2014 01:38 PM
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