Here Comes PeaceCast!
At last count, there were something like 3,330 peace organizations in the world. While this may seem impressive at first blush, it's still 19,857 less than the number of Starbucks -- which is why I'm happy to have learned about the addition of one more peace organization on the scene -- PeaceCast
The brainchild of "an international cast of friendly volunteers", PeaceCast 2014 is one of several global initiatives dedicated to promoting the UN-recognized International Day of Peace on September 21st.
The concept is simple: collect peace-themed videos from all over the world and livestream them for 48 hours wherever it happens to be September 21st.
One of the cool things about PeaceCast is that it's content will be crowdsourced. YOU, your friends, neighbors, children, parents, co-workers, husband, wife, chiropractor, and the semi-employed film-maker across the street are all invited to submit something.
Any 10-minute-or-less expression that relates to peace will be considered -- original music, spoken word, dance, documentary, or whatever. And it doesn't have to be original. If you've found something on the web that inspires you, simply forward the link to PeaceCast. The sooner you submit it, the better chance it has of making it to the livestream.
Got peace? Share it. Don't got peace? Find something inspiring and share that. If not YOU, who? If not NOW, when?
Sample PeaceCast videos from 2013
PeaceCast website
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