Introducing PeaceDay TV
If you are planning on celebrating the International Day of Peace on September 21st, here is another good resource for you -- PeaceDay TV. A parter of PeaceCast TV, this inspired organization will be livestreaming 36 hours of content in celebration of the International Day of Peace -- two hours of which will be the "best of PeaceCast."
Peace Day TV was Founded in 2009 by the Light of Life Society for the purpose of providing broadcasting for peace-building organizations, inter-faith projects, and educational charities.
In 2011, Peace Day TV became recognized as a special project of the Culture of Peace Initiative, a UN-designated "Peace Messenger Initiative" with participants in all the world's regions. Their common goal is to unite the strengths of organizations and individuals who are working to make peace a practical reality.
Words of Peace Global and Peace Day
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