There Is a Poem I Will Write One Day
There is a poem I will write one day (but this isn't it) that will describe, without a wasted word, what my heart perfectly understood the moment I first met you. Like a still pond on a clear day, you will be able to see your face in it and, if you are thirsty, drink. What you will see there will delight you, astound, amaze. So much so, you may end up removing all the mirrors from your house or singing all night long. Yes, I know I am writing a poem about a poem that is not yet written, but so what? Don't people speak of a God they've never seen? Trust me. The poem I speak of is coming soon, or, if not soon, then later, or if not later, then I guess this poem will have to do.
Thanks Mitch, that poem is in my heart,too.
Posted by: Rhea Richardson at July 19, 2011 04:12 AM
Loved the introduction! and loved the poem too! Great idea!
Posted by: Barbara Drausal at July 19, 2011 07:05 PM
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