The PeaceCast Press Release
What follows is a recent press release that describes what PeaceCast is all about -- a very successful live stream that has now gotten more than 865,000 views in just four days.
MIAMI, Sept. 22, 2014 /PRNewswire-iReach/: Most days the media is filled with an endless stream of news and entertainment based on war, crime, disaster and, apparently, insoluble problems. This weekend, one peace group, presents an answer on
On September 21st, the world celebrates the United Nations International Day of Peace with a 48-hour video marathon featuring some of the planet's leading peacemakers, activists and entertainers, along with hundreds of videos submitted by people all over the globe.
Individuals and more than 60 peace-loving organizations around the globe have joined forces to provide the world with a positive message: Peace is Possible. Peace is Real. Peace is worth it. You are worth it. This is the third annual global webcast for PeaceCast and it can be seen starting Saturday morning, September 20 at 8 am EDT, online at
During the webcast, former Ambassador John W. McDonald shares the inside story of the historic events that led to Peace Day's creation in 1981 by the UN's first unanimous resolution.
Later, we hear from British actor and filmmaker Jeremy Gilley, the founder of PeaceOneDay. In 2001, he concluded a successful campaign to have the United Nations declare Peace Day a day of global ceasefire and non-violence. During PEACECAST 2014, Gilley holds a provocative conversation on the nature of peace with distinguished peacemaker Prem Rawat, who has traveled the globe for the last fifty years with the message that peace begins with each human being.
One highlight of PEACECAST 2014 is a remarkable and inspiring interview with endurance swimmer Diana Nyad. At age 64, and on her fifth attempt, Nyad became the first person to swim from Havana to Florida without a shark cage. She completed the almost 111-mile record breaking swim in 52 hours and 54 minutes.
In another probing interview, Edward James Olmos discloses the secrets of making peace in a life of acting and activism.
Throughout PEACECAST 2014, Latin music artists Fonseca, Diana Fuentes, Marta Gomez, Juanes, Periko and Jessi Leon, Adriana Lucia and Rosana speak out about what peace means to them.
This year's partners include Pathways to Peace, the Culture of Peace Initiative, Peace One Day, the National Peace Academy, the Institute for Multi-track Diplomacy,, the Global Peace Film Festival, O.A.R., PeaceBeats,, Playing for Change,, The Prem Rawat Foundation, Words of Peace Global and Jeff Bridges' No Kid Hungry Campaign.
PEACECAST 2014 features moving performances by Beyonce, Stevie Wonder, O.A.R. and Emmanuel Jal, and the international street musicians of the non-profit Playing for Change organization. The webcast includes spoken word by British rapper/poet Mr. Gee with a poem that tells the truth about hip-hop, the art he loves. A special feature is the release of a new song, Fight for Love, written and performed especially for PeaceCast by Meuku, Kait Olson, and Yung of the Callie Swag District.
Filmmaker Lekha Singh is executive producer of PEACECAST 2014, and presents excerpts of her extraordinary film Beyond Right & Wrong, documenting the triumph of forgiveness in the face of war and atrocity.
PEACECAST.TV is hosted by activist actor Edward James Olmos, Latin music figure Kike Posada, and Premlata Rawat Hudson, senior Creative Producer for Words of Peace Global, which includes 11,000 volunteers throughout the world, working to make peace possible one person at a time. Throughout the webcast, Premlata will take viewers on a virtual world tour, visiting Peace Day celebrations in such far flung locations as Abidjan, Benin, Sri Lanka, France, Australia, Ecuador, and Florida.
Peace advocate, Michael Nouri, has been a spokesman for PeaceCast for the last two years. "Most days, we're bombarded by news of war, conflict and disaster, but to celebrate Peace Day, we're focusing on news of peace," Nouri explains. "You know peace is so much more than the absence of war," Nouri continues. "It's a feeling each of us can experience inside, and people around the globe are putting it into action in their own lives. That's what PeaceCast is all about."
For more information, please visit the website PeaceCast.TV. PeaceCast is supported entirely by voluntary contributions through the website Inspire More.
Media Contact: David Weinberg: 214.282.3924,
PS: PeaceCast, originally scheduled to live stream for 48 hours, is still available for viewing, due to popular demand. If you want to see what it's all about, click here.
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