New Music from Daya and Stuart
In the spring of 2012, Daya Rawat (vocals) and Stuart Hoffman (piano) spent several hours in Stuart's LA studio rehearsing for a TPRF benefit concert in Germany.
Neither of these two extraordinary musicians had any intention of releasing anything from that rehearsal, but after recently listening to a recording of the music they made that day, the two of them realized they had captured something very special.
So they decided to create an EP (extended play) on BandCamp -- and release it to their fans and the rest of the known universe.
The EP includes: "You Gave Me the Key," "This Is My Paradise," "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face", and "What A Wonderful World."
Click here to download now. The cost? $10. Less than two capuccinos and a muffin, but the effect will last a whole lot longer. You're in for quite a treat.
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