Truly a Free Man
ED. NOTE: The following guest post was written by Mike Krause who, just three weeks ago, was released from San Antonio's Dominguez Jail after being incarcerated there for the past year. While Mike was on the inside at Dominguez, he had a chance to attend TPRF's Peace Education Class and hear about the message of Prem Rawat. What follows is a letter Mike wrote to his fellow inmates after he got out of jail on November 3rd.
My Dear Friends:
I just wanted to let you guys know that I am thinking about you and hope you are doing well. Although things haven't gone as smoothly as I had hoped for upon my release, the lessons I learned in the Peace Education class have allowed me to stay focused and moving forward in a manner I have never experienced in my life before now.
As I was walking through the doors of Dominguez, upon my release, it dawned on me that I was truly a free man. The irony in that thought was that it had nothing to do with being in jail.
I think very few people get the opportunity, in life, to discover their true character -- what they stand for and who they are. I look back at what I've been through and realize that I am truly blessed to have gone through what I have gone through.
A lot of people talk a good game when it comes to doing the right thing, but so many fall short, or are never truly tested.
Reading the book A Long Walk to Freedom, the autobiography of Nelson Mandela, I was able to get a glimpse of what conviction in one's beliefs is all about. Mr. Mandela went to prison for 27 years to uphold those beliefs. His courage, bravery, and determination showed me what was possible.
Joel Osteen once asked, "Are you willing to do whatever it takes to do what is right?" For the first time in my life, I was.
As it so happened, this epiphany coincided with my being introduced to the concept of "Inner Peace" by my friend, and former classmate, Wallie Reschman.
While in our Computer Aided Drafting class one day, Wallie started to explain the transformation he had experienced brought about by his participation in the Inner Peace class at Dominquez. As I listened to this former hard core drug dealer talk about the changes he had made and the enlightened perspective and appreciation of life that had happened for him, I was beyond intrigued. I had to see what this was all about.
My own journey that led me to jail was one brought about by my fruitless search for a way to fill the emptiness that had been in my heart for as long as I could remember. I had everything and nothing all at the same time and I could never figure out how to change it.
Thanks to Wallie introducing me to the Peace Education Class -- and thanks to Roberto Piriz -- my life was forever changed. For the first time in my life I came to understand that in order to find true peace in my life I would have to start looking within, instead of all of the external places I had looked before.
When I made the decision to take to heart the principals of Prem Rawat that Roberto did such a great job presenting, I was set free -- set free from the imagined expectations of a father who was never there -- set free from the poor decisions in my life -- set free to know what I was truly about -- and set free to finally understand and be happy with who I am.
Socrates once said, "Know thyself". What he should have said was, "Know thyself and you will be free".
It's been a long journey and an incredible sacrifice not just for myself, but for my family as well. The result is the man I am today. The man I am today is a better and more loving father to my two beautiful children, a more appreciative and understanding son to my mother, a better friend and member of society, and when God blesses me with the opportunity, I will be the most loving and caring husband a wife could have.
Was the price to get to where I am now a high one? Definitely, yes. Was it worth becoming the man I am today?. Absolutely.
In an average lifetime, 25,550 days is all we have. When I first heard this number, I was shocked at how low it was. And that, my friends, is just the point. That number IS low. Like anything else that is in high demand and in short supply, it becomes extremely valuable.
So that brings up the question: "Since you are giving up such a valuable commodity each day, what do you have to show for it?" In exchange for this valuable commodity (a day of your life), do you have something positive to show for it or something negative? The choice is yours and yours alone.
Prem Rawat says, "We start living the moment we embrace the peace that lies in our heart". My hope for you is that you will find, as I have, that divine force that is within you -- just waiting to be discovered the entire time.
Take these lessons to heart and your life will never be the same.
The Prem Rawat Foundation
Words of Peace Global
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