ALL OF US: A Wonderful Peace Project
I want to call your attention to ALL OF US -- an inspired music video project being developed by Cara Tower and friends to help forward the cause of peace on the planet. Cara is deep in crowdfunding mode now, trying her best to raise $3,500 to get the project off the ground.
Click here for more info about the project on GO FUND ME and to view a 4-minute video of Cara singing the song that inspired her efforts.
The text below is Cara's description of the project. If this moves you, please consider becoming a supporter of ALL OF US. Every little bit helps.
We're raising seed money towards the making of a music recording, video, and film.
Whats it about? We want this project to display the unifying message that we are all human beings first and foremost. Therefore, when we can place our politics and religious beliefs aside.
Our goal is to invite a musician, choir. and singers from each continent to participate.
This is a non-profit project. When you contribute to the production you become a collaborator. You will be informed of each expenditure and of each new development. This is a transparent project. You can write feedback. Each one of us who contributes will have their name and country of origin scroll in the ending credits. It is our hope that many people from many countries will have their names appear as a clear, collective statement that says, "We are simply united as people of the earth".
The ALL OF US project is an opportunity for everyone, everywhere to get involved with a creative unifying, collaborative effort. Together, we can bring awareness, through song, as we focus on the solution, not the problem.
The videos are demos of the "All Of Us" song so you can listen and read the lyrics. It's a song to be shared to help unite the focus of everyone, everywhere by helping us all to remember that we are human beings first and foremost. When we recognize this simple fact, it's easy to see that we have everything, fundamentally, in common, regardless of our circumstances, beliefs, religion, economics or demographic location.
There are two phases of the project.
The first phase is to raise support for the musical production. We'd like to record the basic tracks in a professional studio. We'd then like to invite a few singers and musicians to participate in the production from around the world via the internet. For example, a singer from the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Asia, the Americas -- and a Chinese harpist, Turkish percussionist etc.
The second phase is to compile, shoot, collect and/or borrow footage from film makers around the globe that shows people doing a variety of things in a variety of ways; getting married, protesting in the street, celebrating, laughing, fighting, painting, dancing, or even singing on this song!
When the project is complete you can download it and use it for your own initiatives, because it will belong to you. It will belong to All Of Us.
We launched this project on Sept. 22, 2014 -- the day after the International Day of Peace, not only because peace needs to be renewed everyday, but because it gives us a good head start so we can be ready to submit to the next Words of Peace Global cast on September 21, 2015.
Have another idea? It's your project too! Together, let's see what legs it might grow. Peace will come from each of us.
Peace is the responsibility of individuals, not nations. If not now, then when? If not us, then who?
I hope you will join us on the ALL OF US project and that you will make it your own by contributing and helping us spread the word.
Thank you! Cara Tower and the ALL OF US Team.
We come from the same universe
We live in the same world
We shoulder the same sorrow
We turn with the same sky
We sleep by the same moon
We stand under the same sun,
It Shines on everyone...
Everyone of us
We're all of us.
We swim the same sea
We breathe the same breath
We quench the same thirst
We feel the same pain
We long for the same love
We dream under the same stars
Venus and Mars
Everyone of us
We're all of us.
Everyone of us is touched by time
Not one of us is born to be unkind
Behind the cruel divide
When anger takes it's side
As strange as it may seem
We're all on the same team.
We warm by the same fire
We cradle the same heart
We bleed the same blood
We seek the same peace
We follow the same light
We dream under the same stars
Venus and Mars
We stand under the same sun
It shines on everyone
Everyone of us
We're all of us
Everyone of us,
We're all of us.
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