PeaceCast is Coming!
If you are a regular reader of this blog, there is a good chance you are committed to the pursuit of peace -- peace on the inside (your own well-being) and peace on the outside (a world that works).
If so, you will likely be inspired by PeaceCast, a global webcast scheduled for September 21st (the International Day of Peace), that will celebrate people's efforts around the world to make peace a reality.
Good news, in other words.
PeaceCast is a curator of user-friendly content on the subject of peace -- short videos in multiple genres (i.e. spoken word, music, documentary, dance, poetry, politics, humor etc.) that opens minds and opens hearts.
Submissions are open to anyone. Got something to say/sing/dance/, click here and make your effort to share it with the world.
Weekly updates on PeaceCast will be appearing on Heart of the Matter from now until September 21st. So keep tuning in.
PS: Last year, more than 870,000 people logged onto to PeaceCast, now entering it's fourth year. Spread the word. Let your friends and family know, so this year even more people will jump on board (which is way better then jumping overboard, eh?).
Let's all give peace a chance!
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