The Heart of the Matter
September 28, 2015
Upcoming TPRF Gala Benefit in UK


The word "gala" can be traced all the way back to 1620 to the Old French word "galer" meaning "rejoice and make merry" -- exactly what will be happening on Saturday, October 3rd in the UK.

That's when over 200 Friends of TPRF will be gathering for a memorable evening of fun, friendship, fine dining, and a chance to experience the extraordinary progress The Prem Rawat Foundation is making in its ongoing efforts to foster dignity, peace, and prosperity on planet earth.

Above and beyond the reception, gourmet dinner, and live music, the evening will feature a unique presentations from Daya Rawat, President of TPRF.

Also Ayrton Cable, the 12-year old founder of the Youth WAF Award, will give a presentation and field questions from the audience.


Videos will be shown which will enhance your understanding of the work of TPRF and how it is making a difference in the lives of so many around the world. The evening showcases the premiere screening of a remarkable interview between Ayrton Cable and Prem Rawat (Ambassador of Peace), which took place at the Water and Food Award Ceremony, in London, in 2014.

Chris Mac Vittie and Daya Rawat will be performing songs from their new album The Envy of Stars.

Ganga Thappa and Namlo Trio from Nepal -- a fusion of Indian, Nepalese, Mali, and South American sounds -- will delight the ears and soothe the heart.

Mudibu, a singer/song writer from Burundi who to the UK as young teenager after fleeing from the civil war, will also be performing. His voice is a powerhouse of emotions and feeling that touch and ignite the very core of the listener.

The Gala Finale will feature the extraordinary music of Tim Hain, a showman of many talents -- singer, song writer, and blues/country guitarist supreme.

Register here
How to become a sponsor of the Gala

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at September 28, 2015 01:44 AM

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