An Evening of Extraordinary Music
If you are within driving distance of Asheville, NC and thinking of attending Chris Mac Vittie and Daya Rawat's concert on 10/16, here's the correct answer: GO! I had the pleasure of attending their NYC performance tonight and it was a total delight. Their voices are infused with joy, their harmonies are a magic carpet ride, and their lyrics pack a wallop. Plus, their stage presence is very entertaining. Chris and Daya are the kind of performers you will tell your grandchildren you saw before the word got out.
Opening for Chris and Daya are two extraordinary musicians in their own right, the incredibly gifted Ron Clearfield on cello and the divine Linda Kendal-Fields on violin.
Doors open at 6:30 pm. The concert starts at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $25.
Click to buy your tickets and find out where the concert is so you don't spend your entire evening driving around Asheville and wondering why you didn't click on the link.
Chris and Daya's website
Preview their new CD
Check out their lyrics
Read more about Asheville
Chris and Daya in Atlanta on 10/17
Sneak preview in a radio station
Fun photos from past concerts
What's a concert promo without a Facebook page?
The Nicholas Brothers after seeing Chris and Daya
NYC concert photos: Matt Miller
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