Fuzzbee Morse In Da House!
Here is extraordinary review of Fuzzbee Morse's recently released CD -- Dreams and Other Living Things -- by Paul Zollo, Senior Editor of American Songwriter. Read it and leap. Then buy it and listen.
"Imagine, if you can, a collaboration between Hendrix and Steely Dan: complex but melodically visceral songs with ferocious electric guitar and flawlessly tight musicianship, and you get an approximation of the Fuzzbee Morse experience.
An astounding guitarist who has played with countless legends, from Bono to Lou Reed and beyond, he's a real-life guitar hero. He commands that edgy ferocity Hendrix embodied, and his solos throughout this album are revelations. Sometimes they are wildly fierce, other times touching that immaculate transcendence of the Santana realm, pure electric eloquence.
Fuzzbee also sings with the spirited soulful phrasing and tone of Hendrix, and brings us not one but two faithful Hendrix covers, "Voodoo Child" and "Angel." And while few singers can do Hendrix like Hendrix did Hendrix, and so wisely choose, like Sting did, to go in a whole other direction, Fuzzbee lights a Hendrix rocket and soars on it into the soul stratosphere.
But that's only part of the trip here. His own songwriting is sophisticated yet soulful. The man knows how to structure a song with stamina and poetry, such as the stunning supernova instrumental "Zonga!," which is as lyrical as a song with no lyrics can be. Or a song with words, like the great "It's Time To Go," which revolves around a killer chord vamp before unfolding with a pure funk perfection. It's a lesson in remarkable songwriting, with an ideal pre-chorus that explodes into the elevation chorus, punctuated by a horn section and then a great Fuzzbee/Hendrix riff. It really doesn't get better than this.
"Long As The Wind Blows" opens the show with beautiful Lennon-like melodics, a gentle melody set against counterpoint vocals, leading to a lovely chorus of sweet remembrance. "Brother Ray" is an elegy for Ray Charles and his world of soul, as Fuzzbee testifies to the lifelong impact: "I can't say where I'd be today without the one and only Brother Ray."
The closing "Underground Railroad" is a haunting and redemptive journey that starts with a promise of liberation, "someday I'm gonna walk on water." Suddenly we are on gospel ground, and with the great churchy authority of singers Lisa Frazier, Willie Chambers, Joe Chambers and Tyra Juliette, we are lifted from the earthbound to the spiritual river, rafting headlong towards the eternal ocean. It's an exalted conclusion to this musical feast.
By virtue of being Fuzzbee, he was able to put together a band of his friends who happen to be among the world's greatest musicians. The rhythm section throughout is Jerry Marotta on drums, Tony Levin on bass and David Sancious on piano and organ. Marotta also plays ocarina, rainstick, Omnichord and assorted percussion. Fuzzbee arranged and produced.
Utterly amazing. An absolute masterpiece, and one which I hope others will invite into their lives. Given repeated listenings, the inherent beauty and dynamism of this dizzying collection becomes beautifully apparent, and like the greatest music, blooms ever better with each listening. An album for the ages."
Fuzzbee's website
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American Songwriter
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