Chris and Daya in Boulder: 11/28
"Neither a lofty degree of intelligence, nor imagination, nor both together, go to the making of genius. Love, love, love. That is the soul of genius." -- Amadeus Mozart
If Mozart was alive today, I think he would be a big fan of Chris Mac Vittie and Daya Rawat -- not because Chris and Daya play classical music. They don't. But because their muse and Mozart's muse was probably the same. Or, if not the same, then at least played in the same band.
Other similarities? All three of them started their musical careers early in life. Mozart was writing and performing concertos at the age of four. Daya was singing in her cradle. And Chris? Why, just last year, at 37, he wrote the title song to their groundbreaking CD, The Envy of Stars.
Clearly, the music scene today is very much different than Mozart's in the 1700's. Patrons, now, are in much shorter supply. Wigs are out. Home studios are in. And the marketplace is way more cluttered. Back in the Mozart's time, there just weren't that many musicians on the scene. These days it's a totally different story. According to a recent MySpace survey, there are approximately eight million bands in the world. Last year, more than 141 million CDs were sold. That's a lot of competition for eyeballs and ears.
So why give a listen to Chris and Daya? What about their music is worthy of your precious attention?
For starters, their harmonies border on the divine -- as intricate as Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young and as evocative as Tony Bennett and whoever he happens to be singing with at the time. But even more than their exquisite harmonies, is the joy and feeling their music evokes.
Their hook? Life. As in live it to the fullest. As in let it rip. As in celebrate the very best of what a human being is -- or could be -- if only we allowed ourselves to tune in to what really matters.
Some reviewers of Chris and Daya's music characterize it as fusion -- the place where East meets West, country meets soul, and, yes, man meets woman. OK. I get it. True. But I think an even more accurate word for their genre is fission, the artful splitting of the atom -- in their case, the atom of love -- an act of creation that releases great amounts of heat and light: heat that warms the heart and light that illuminates the path.
If you are anywhere near Boulder, Colorado, on November 28th, you're in luck. Chris and Daya will be performing at the e-Town Hall on Spruce Street. Doors open at 6:00 pm. Concert starts at 7:00 pm. Purchase tickets here.
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