To the Friends of Charles Cameron
This morning I received a phone call from Charles Cameron, a long-time friend of mine and an early student of Prem Rawat.
Charles is currently in a very difficult situation and is reaching out to his various friends and networks for support. If you can help, even in a small way, keep reading.
Charles' health is declining. He is diabetic and five years ago had a stroke. Currently, he is five days away from being evicted which would not only be very challenging, but also mean the loss of his beloved book collection and 40 years worth of his poetry, articles, and other papers.
Charles will soon be launching a GoFundMe campaign to get his time-of-need message out to as many people as possible, but for now, THIS blog post is his main communication platform -- and time is of the essence.
What Charles just told me is that he need $2,000 within the next five days to cover back rent, medications (he has no health insurance), blood work, MD visits, and a few other immediate needs.
Charles is reluctant to ask for help, knowing how stressed most people are about money these days -- but he is asking nonetheless. If you know Charles, please consider making a donation. If you don't know Charles, but are inclined to help a brother in need, one who is a gifted poet now down on his luck, you are also invited to help.
Two ways to contribute:
1. PAYPAL --
2. Bank of America Account #: 000162606787, Routing #026009593
If this appeal offends you in any way or you think it is not appropriate content for this blog, feel free to send me an email:
In recent months, because I have this blog platform, I have been asked by a number of people in need to communicate their request for support. I know this is tricky business and some of the readers of my blog have chosen to unsubscribe. So be it. I guess that's the risk I take. The way I look at it is this: next time it might be YOU who needs the support of the community.
May this coming year bring you as much joy, peace, and love as possible.
I was always inspired by Charles' words and vision. Unfortunately, I cannot help financially at this time, however, I would highly recommend that Charles look into and practice the ancient Chinese health and exercise practice known as Qigong, spelled Chi Kung in the West, and its sister-related practice Tai Chi. I'm not sure if they can help with diabetes, but they have been shown by hundreds of medical studies to benefit physical, mental and emotional health, including lowering high blood pressure, improving balance, and helping with arthritis, bronchitis, colds, stress, tension and anxiety, and gastrointestinal disorders, just to name a few ailments. Lawrence Galante, in his book. "Tai Chi, The Supreme Ultimate," writes that "some of the ailments that Tai Chi Chaun reportedly can help are: (he lists 29 ailments, including) diabetes." Tai Chi and Qigong also benefit overall health, improve attitude and outlook and refresh the spirit. I speak from experience of decades of practice. Millions of people in China practice Qigong and Tai Chi in parks and courtyards every morning as an exercise and preventive disease practice. Their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual benefits are real, deep, profound, amazing and never ending. They go very, very deep and there they have no end.
Jon Lloyd
Posted by: Jon Lloyd at January 1, 2016 07:19 PM
P.S. All the best to Charles!
Posted by: Jon Lloyd at January 2, 2016 09:45 PM
First off, I want to thank Mitch and all who have contributed for achieving the near impossible, or so it seemed, paying my rent for this month at about three or four days' notice, and providing me with funds for my most immediate needs in terms of blood work, doctor visit and so on. These healthcare matters are up next.
I'm a poet first and foremost, so the best way I can thank you is with a poem, and I'm working on that. I'll also try to respond personally to each of you over the coming weeks, but until that time, please accept my grateful thanks - you have made a terrific difference, and the poem I want to send you had best be terrific, too.
I've been overwhelmed by your response, but also a little under the weather. I'm pressing on, though, aiming to have a second book proposal in agent's hands within ten days or so, this one on religious violence and jihad, to join one already in circulation about coronation and the romance of monarchy. I have some encouraging signs on the journalistic work front, though not yet confirmed, and last night received an invite to have my HipBone Games exhibited in a expo in London's Somerset House in April - wheee, sweet!
For continuing help keeping the wolf from the door while I work on these & other projects, at Mitch's suggestion I also have a "medium-term" appeal now up at GoFundMe, already gathering momentum:
Keep reading me in various moods and modes at
Thanks again, and more soon..
Posted by: Charles Cameron at January 8, 2016 12:02 AM
Thanks for your comment. I understand not being able to help financially while wishing one could all too well, and your advice re Tai Chih / Qi Gong is sustenance of another kind, no less valuable. I've also received some nutritional advice, which has already helped!
I've been curious about Qi Gong in a theoretical, "religious studies" kind of way since the Chinese government cracked down on Falun Dafa, a group that numbered many of the millions who "practice Qigong and Tai Chi in parks and courtyards every morning" as you note -- a group that falls under my studies in "new religious movements".
Thanks again -- Charles
Posted by: Charles Cameron at January 8, 2016 12:09 AM
Thanks for your comment. I understand not being able to help financially while wishing one could all too well, and your advice re Tai Chih / Qi Gong is sustenance of another kind, no less valuable. I've also received some nutritional advice, which has already helped!
I've been curious about Qi Gong in a theoretical, "religious studies" kind of way since the Chinese government cracked down on Falun Dafa, a group that numbered many of the millions who "practice Qigong and Tai Chi in parks and courtyards every morning" as you note -- a group that falls under my studies in "new religious movements".
Thanks again -- Charles
Posted by: Charles Cameron at January 8, 2016 12:09 AM
Thanks for your comment. I understand not being able to help financially while wishing one could all too well, and your advice re Tai Chih / Qi Gong is sustenance of another kind, no less valuable. I've also received some nutritional advice, which has already helped!
I've been curious about Qi Gong in a theoretical, "religious studies" kind of way since the Chinese government cracked down on Falun Dafa, a group that numbered many of the millions who "practice Qigong and Tai Chi in parks and courtyards every morning" as you note -- a group that falls under my studies in "new religious movements".
Thanks again -- Charles
Posted by: Charles Cameron at January 8, 2016 12:11 AM
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