You Are Invited to Enter The Peace Partners Eco-Blog Competition
The Heart of the Matter is happy to publish the following guest post by Abi Patrick of Peace Partners in England.
With so many countries at war these days, civilians caught in the crossfire, esclating climate change, and the increasing amount of people not having an adequate supply of food or water, it would be fair to say that the goal of achieving peace on Planet Earth seems to be moving further out of our reach. And while many people may assume that peace will never be achieved, there are quite a number of us who continue to do everything we can to make it happen.
It's a great pleasure to see that many young people, these days, are taking a stand for peace and sharing their stories, experiences, and opinions on blogs, websites and many other social media platforms -- even building their own peace-themed organisations.
In this spirit of peace and possibility, Peace Partners invites YOU to enter our eco-blog competition and help spread awareness about the most important global issues facing us today -- sustainability, environmental health, poverty, war, human rights, climate change, and peace.
Peace Partners is a newly founded, UK charity set up to support positive change by supporting the work of The Prem Rawat Foundation -- a non-profit dedicated to spreading dignity, peace, and prosperity in the world.
To enter Peace Partner's competition all you need to do is write a blog post on any of the above-noted topics by June 12th and email it to
The top 10 entrants will be showcased at Peace Partner's Waves of Change -- Make it Happen, Make it Matter event on July 2nd at The Crystal Building in London -- a peace and sustainability forum that will be a great way to meet others who share the same vision and commitment. We would love to see you there!
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