Prem Rawat Live Stream Event: June 15th, 3:00 pm EST
The Prem Rawat Foundation recently announced an historic YouTube Live Stream event that will take place on Wednesday, June 15th, at 3:00 pm. EST (8 pm in London).
TPRF and the Tutu Foundation UK will co-sponsor a conference attended by senior officials from UK correctional institutions and crime prevention initiatives. The stream will include a keynote address by Prem Rawat and a panel discussion about TPRF's Peace Education Program (PEP) and Tutu Foundation's Ubuntu program.
The conference will begin with a screening (not streamed) of Inside Peace, a film that documents the remarkable impact of PEP. The Live Stream will allow thousands of people from all over the world to be part of a small, intimate event.
You are all warmly invited to attend, and to tell your friends.
Save the date and stay tuned for updates on the TPRF Facebook page. The Live Stream will be available on
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