Yoga for the New Age
After a three-day sabbatical from Heart of the Matter, I am renewed and refreshed, ready to bring you the very best of what life has to offer. Today, in honor of my own return, I bring you three, brief yoga videos that have contained with them a very ancient message of the soul. I realize I may lose a few subscribers with this post, but since I'm not running for office, does it really matter? Namaste!
And, just in case, you haven't been feeling well lately.
Really great Mitch, I just started taking yoga so the voice and mannerisms of the instructor in the videos is so familiar and funny.
Posted by: Steve at March 10, 2015 03:24 PM
I loved these vids. I'm forwarding them to my Yoga teacher!
Posted by: Ruth Hazlitt at July 28, 2016 07:40 AM
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