A New Book by Prem Rawat
Following the success of Prem Rawat's first book produced in Japan by Bunya Publishing in 2015, Splitting the Arrow, a second book of his was released in August -- a delightfully illustrated children's book, entitled The Pot with the Hole.
The book, to date, has been very well-received and a number of prominent authors and media outlets have helped get the word out.
A famous Japanese author, Seiko Kageyama, featured The Pot with the Hole as one of her 30 top recommended books out of 5,000 storybooks.
Fuji FM, a national radio station in Japan, hosted an on-air book reading of The Pot with the Hole. More than 200,000 listeners tuned in.
During his 2016 visit to Japan, Prem was interviewed by Professor Maeno for Reiro magazine -- a publication with a monthly circulation of 35,000.
Additionally, this year, The Pot with the Hole played a key role in the Fukushima book donation event. Prem personally handed out the book to all of the children in attendance. And the book has been donated to every school and nursery in the Fukushima region.
Here are two of eight book testimonials provided by the children:
"Even though the pot was broken, thanks to the wisdom of the gardener, the pot was still able to do something wonderful and play an important role".
"I was touched by the fact that you lost your father at the age of 8 -- about my age -- and yet you had the courage to take on the responsibility of spreading this message about the importance of having a peaceful heart".
The English version of The Pot with the Hole will soon be available on Amazon in the UK and US, but not in time for Christmas.
Currently, the book is only available on the Bunya website. If you are thinking of buying it this holiday season, consider pooling your order with friends in your area to help defray the cost of shipping.
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