The Heart of the Matter
February 02, 2017
My Open Letter to Donald Trump Published in the Huffington Post


My open letter to Donald Trump has just been published in the Huffington Post -- my attempt to light a candle instead of cursing the darkness. PLEASE NOTE: I can usually tell when Heart of the Matter subscribers are going to unsubscribe. This is likely one of those times for at least a few of you -- especially those who think politics is not a topic for this blog of the heart. If so, thanks for your support up until this very moment. But if you are the least bit curious about WHY I would write a letter to the new President of the United States and why I would post it here, click the link above.

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at February 2, 2017 12:20 AM


Thankyou Mitch for this most courageous,human to human ,personally responsive letter to Trump.Its the very best news I've read on the subject.I read your site every day and deeply appreciate your expressions....this is the first time I've felt the Need to actually comment my appreciation.Keep on truckin....k

Posted by: Karen [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 3, 2017 04:17 PM

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