A Six Pack of Kabir
Friend, hope for the Guest while you are alive. Jump into experience while you are alive! Think... and think... while you are alive. What you call "salvation" belongs to the time before death.
If you don't break your rope while you are alive, do you think ghosts will do it after?
The idea that the soul will join with the ecstatic just because the body is rotten -- that is all fantasy. What is found now is found then. If you find nothing now, you will simply end up with an apartment in the City of Death. If you make love with the Divine now, in the next life you will have the face of satisfied desire.
So plunge into the truth, find out who the Teacher is, believe in the Great Sound!
Kabir says this: When the Guest is being searched for, it is the intensity of the longing for the Guest that does all the work. Look at me, and you will see a slave of that intensity.
(Translated by Robert Bly, from Kabir, Ecstatic Poems)
Thanks for the drink of cool, clear water on a hot, dry day!
Posted by: Richard at May 31, 2008 08:52 PM
it 's nice to be ,today thank you!
Posted by: michael flannery. at March 20, 2011 07:33 AM
Thanks for the 'Bir. Have you noticed how many times Kabir has been 're-bottled' since Tagore put the songs into (sanitized Victorian) English? You have Linda Hess' Bijak of Kabir? You know Sushil's versions too? And you have some renderings of your own, no doubt. Share more??
Posted by: Ken Cowan at September 7, 2016 02:31 AM
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