Update on Kim O'Leary's Music
If you are reading this, there is a good chance you know the music of Kim O'Leary. Kim has been inspiring people for many years with her soulful songs of love, longing, and life. Here, in Kim's own words, is an update about her music and plans for taking it further...
"This is to let people know of a crowd funding campaign that I have started. The main idea is that people who have enjoyed my music in the past will be able to buy my new album in advance. That will help me cover all the recording costs up front. It will also allow me to develop a production company for new artists which is now in its beginning stages. This link will take you to a short video that explains all of the relevant details. If you know of other people who might have an interest, please share this with them. I send my very best wishes and I look forward to sharing my new creative work with you when this album gets completed (due out in September). Thank you for your interest and ongoing support for my music."
Kim's website
Because of Love
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