The Morning After
Well... it's time to pack up and head for the airport after five extraordinary days with Prem Rawat. I'm not going to quote him, summarize his talks, or attempt to retell his stories. Out of context, something gets lost in translation and I don't want to misrepresent, in any way, his beautiful message -- which will be available, in the not-too-distant future, for viewing on For the moment, all I want to do is share a little bit of the FEELING that is bubbling up in my cells like the finest of champagnes.
GRATEFUL: I feel grateful beyond measure, appreciating the simple joy of being alive and the realization that THIS is the moment in all its full glory. Somehow, Prem has the ability to weave a web -- via his stories, truth telling, humor, music, and perspective that captures the essence of what life is all about. In his presence, doubts, worries, fears, blame, projection, fantasy, regret, and a thousand other unnecessary bits of mind junk evaporate into thin air. What you are left with is the sheer beauty of what it means to be a human being -- who we are before the dust and density of the world covers the crystal clear mirror of our heart and soul.
And he evokes this state of joyful being with so much elegance and grace, it's no big deal. No hocus pocus. No pep talks. No wasted moves. Like water, it's for everyone, regardless of their belief system, religion, or non-religion.
Today, the morning after, it's more clear than ever how SIMPLE this whole thing is and when I say "whole thing", I am referring to my life or, if you are still reading this, YOUR life, too. We have everything we need to experience the essence of what it means to be fully conscious human beings and be able to live our with patience, compassion, love, and clear thinking. It is our nature. HUMAN nature. That is what Prem is a Master at evoking... revealing... and reminding us of -- what it means to be fully alive.
May peace prevail on planet Earth. May all 7.6 billion of us let go of the madness and embrace the joy. And may this happen breath by breath by breath, wherever we happen to be at the time.
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