On Maintaining a Positive, Healthy Mindset
Yesterday, I posted the above graphic on my Facebook page and asked people to share one way they stay in a positive, healthy mindset. Here are the replies:
Claudia Neuman Watts: "Practice having fun."
Mary Mcmanus: "No matter what happens, know that unless it's life threatening, ALL IS WELL."
Susan Armstrong: "Spend time paying attention to my inner resources."
Ranjini Rusch: "Clean up the mess."
Melissa Ward: "Laugh."
Paddy Noble: "Walk in the woods."
Linda Azato: "Listen to your heart. It's waiting for you."
Sarah Grace Powers: "Notice everything that is working in your life."
Janis Wilson: "See with the eyes of beauty the incredible gift it is to be alive on earth feeling peace."
Mary Foxen: "Keep the company of the Good in me."
Jos van Laar: Before you do ANYTHING, first tune your instrument PERFECTLY."
Sheila Lindsay: "Just be."
Jennifer Boire: "Get a good night's sleep. What a difference it makes."
Sandeep Agarwel: "Trust and have confidence in yourself."
Patty Lancaster: "Laugh."
Muriel Stockdale: "Express gratitude."
Robyn Botelho: "Focus on the good and positive, and water it, and it will grow more than the bad."
Lin D. Miller: "Value each moment."
Sharon Jeffers: "BE in LOVE."
Joyce Gerber: "Turn my attention within inside myself. Center myself by going to my inner tuning fork."
Heike Schmeling: "Have a good laugh."
Priscilla Kelly: "Remain grateful."
James Hickey: "Remember the breath."
Venu Gopal: "Read Sri Nisargaddata's spiritual classic: I Am That."
Joan Ferlazzo: "Feed the good wolf."
Lisa Hart: "It's great to start the day laughing."
Lynne Ciccone: "Gratitude, baby."
How about YOU? How do you stay in a positive, healthy mindset?
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Illustration: gapingvoid
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