ANNOUNCING the Release of Prem Rawat's "Peace Is Possible"
Prem Rawat's new book, Peace Is Possible will be published on September 1st, but it is available now for pre-order on Amazon. Here is the description of the book on Amazon:
"Global peace ambassador, Prem Rawat, has spent his entire life traveling the world to deliver one timeless message: Peace is Possible.
Conflict, he explains, takes place at three levels: between countries, between people, and finally within each of us as individuals. These levels are all interconnected. Hence the conflict that rages within a person will lead them to seek out conflict with another. Similarly, conflict between people of one nation is likely to result in conflict between many nations. So the first step to world peace is a simple one: we must first find peace within ourselves.
Peace is Possible draws together age-old stories which, as they have been passed down over generations, inspired and transformed the lives of millions. From the power of adaptability, to the importance of trust, to the sticking-place of courage, these are the messages that will change the world. For good."
Order the book here
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