Home Is Where the Heart Is
When I was a small boy, I used to look up at the sky a lot, sigh, and think one basic thought: "I want to go home."
Though my parents tried their best to love me (allowance! grilled cheese! dog!), I was sure I came from someplace else. I felt like an orphan. It wasn't that I was unhappy. I wasn't. I just felt displaced -- certain that my real home was very faraway.
As I grew up and translated my boyish sky-prayers into a more classical spiritual quest, I began to notice a pattern in the books I was reading. Beyond the jargon and the all too common habit of implying that their way was the only way, a central theme was emerging -- the home I was looking for was within me.
My seemingly unquenchable thirst to have the experience of arriving was not going to be a matter of traveling to exotic places worthy of my pilgrimage. It was going to be a matter of turning within. But how? How does a person turn within?
Well, that's what Prem Rawat's work is all about. In a very simple way, he has a knack for helping people enjoy what they already have -- the experience of their true home. Yes, home is where the heart is, but where is the heart?
Photo: Courtesy of Timeless Today
I also felt that I was missing something ever since I was a child, fortunately I was introduced to the message of peace that Prem Rawat has been spreading from a very young age, at first it was not easy for me to grasp, but eventually I was finally able to understand more and more and received the gift of Knowledge after a very long time of searching.
Posted by: Mario Regina at December 3, 2019 11:11 PM
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