Prem Rawat Talking About WAFA (Water Air Food Awards)
One of the things I love about Prem Rawat is how practical he is. His work is very grounded and he pays attention to not only the inner life, but the outer life, as well -- in this case the quality of wood, air, and food on planet Earth. One of the ways he accomplishes this noble commitment is via his support of WAFA, a Copenhagen-based non-profit whose mission it is to identify and celebrate the world's "silent heroes" -- people whose low-cost, high impact innovations are making a big difference in their villages, towns, and communities. If you don't know anything about WAFA and Prem's approach to helping WAFA have impact, check out the four-minute video above.
WAFA website
WAFA mission and vision
WAFA patrons
How to donate
One Lit Candle anthem and video
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